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Axis3D-Operator  Example 

This very complex operator adds threedimensional axes including
to any 3D-object. The main purpose of this PlugIn is to produce
function- or data-plots at extrem high quality. Therefore a very
high resolution (e.g. 1280x800) is the "natural mode" of this PlugIn.
Such high-quality-images may be included into TeX-documents
using the  EPSSaver -PlugIn and DVIPS

Because the created boxed axis has 12 edges there are 4 choices
to place the x-, -y and z-labels.


Name        Possible Values/Unit            Description

Input       TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4           input buffer
Ouput       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8,      output buffer
            TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4
TRender     ON, OFF                         indicate that the transformed 3d-temp-buffer
                                            is used for the last time and can be modified
                                            directly to conserve both memory and time
XMin,       float                           x-range for the axis
XMode       AUTOMATIC, MANUAL               mode to compute x-tick-mark-positions
XTicks                                      number of tickmarks in x-direction
LXMin,      float                           tick-range in x-direction
LXMax,                                      (XMode=MANUAL)

YMin,                                       the same for the other axes

Tickness    pixels                          thickness of the axis and the labels
TickSize    pixels                          length of the tickmarks
Red,        0...255                         color of the axis and the tickmarks
Labels      ON, OFF                         turn creation of labels on/off
FontSize    pixels                          height of the ticklabels, the axes-labels
                                            are scaled up a little bit
XPlace                                      where to place the x-labels, the
            FRONTBOTTOM,                    "right" value depends on the view-angle
YPlace                                      where to place the y-labels, the
            RIGHTBOTTOM,                    "right" value depends on the view-angle
ZPlace                                      where to place the z-labels, the
            FRONTRIGHT,                     "right" value depends on the view-angle
LXSkip,     float                           additional space between the axes
LYSkip,                                     and the labels
LXAlpha,    degrees                         individual (additional) rotation-angles
LXBeta,                                     of the x-, y- and z-labels
LRed,       0...255                         color of the labels
XLabel,     string                          addional axes-labels
Phong       ON, OFF                         turn phong-shading for the axis on/off

Because this operator supports the  PowerPlugs! -concept further
settings can be adjusted from within the global  Render-Settings -Window.


1. This PlugIn uses a coordinate-system which is much more
   "handy" than Wildfire's standard coordinate-system
   to create function-plots:

            y^                  z^
            | /z                | /y
            |/                  |/
             ---> x              ---> x

           "standard"           Axis3D

   Because this coordinate system is only used while creating
   the objects all view-settings work as usual.
2. As mentioned above this PlugIn is ment to create plots at
   highend-quality. So lots of memory, the use of an extreme high
   resolution (100...300 dpi) and at least a 68060-processor are
   "natural" requirements for this PlugIn. Including such created
   plots into TeX-documents results in huge files (such as 20 MB per plot).
   This is natural, too.
3. Don't forget to set the background-color to white
   (from with the  Processor -Window) if you want to
   print out it later.
4. The "AUTOMATIC"-mode uses an intelligent method to
   compute the "right" tick-step. But sometimes the 1st or
   last tickmark may be too close to a perpendicular axis.
   In this case you have to set the tickmark-range manually.
5. Because this PlugIn with
    *87 gadgets,
    *50 parameters,
    *5000 lines of code and
    *1500 lines of data generated by a special tool written only
     for this purpose
   took much effort, it must be purchased separately.
6. You may find that the price mentioned in the  Shareware -section
   is too high (for you). But because of
    *the high quality,
    *the stupendous operation-speed and
    *the lots of adjustable parameters
   this price is fair.